THE SUPREMACY OF JESUS CHRIST 23.3.2025 – Ps. James Lalobo This Easter, join us for “The Supremacy of Jesus Christ” message series. Let’s deepen our understanding of Jesus and strengthen our faith together! Listen to the audio
LESSONS FROM JOSHUA’S FAREWELL SPEECH 16.3.2025 – Ps. Brian Abaho Join us as we explore Joshua’s farewell speech to the children of Israel and uncover valuable lessons on God’s faithfulness, blessings of obedience, and the importance of perseverance. Listen to the audio
LESSONS FROM ACHAN’S SECRET SIN 9.3.2025 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo Our actions have a ripple effect. May we take heed of Achan’s story in Joshua 7, and strive to live a life that honours God and secures His blessings. Listen to the audio
AS YOUR DAYS ARE, SO SHALL YOUR STRENGTH BE 2.3.2025 – Ps. Mats-Ola, Senior Pastor of Word of Life Church in Moscow, Russia Lean on God’s strength in the midst of changing circumstances, find courage and empowerment for your divine calling and stand firm in faith when faced with challenges and adversity. Listen to the audio
LESSONS FROM THE FALL OF JERICHO 2.3.2025 – Ps. Brian Abaho For us to advance God’s kingdom today, we have to trust His ways, know He is with us and to persist in prayer. Listen to the audio
LESSONS FROM GILGAL 23.2.2025 – Ps. Brian Abaho We explore Joshua 5 and uncover valuable lessons from the Israelites’ renewal of their covenant with God. Listen to the audio
LESSONS FROM THE 12 STONES 16.2.2025 – Ps. Eddie Mwesigye We dive into Joshua 4, where 12 stones serve as a lasting reminder of God’s faithfulness. Listen to the audio
LESSONS FROM CROSSING THE JORDAN 9.2.2025 – Ps. Brian Abaho The story in Joshua 3 challenges us to devote ourselves fully to God, follow His instructions without hesitation. Trust Him, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. Listen to the audio
VISION 2.2.2025 – Ps. Eddie Mwesigye The Bible’s account of Rahab, a former prostitute, is a powerful reminder that God can redeem and use anyone, regardless of their past, to fulfill His purposes. Listen to the audio
VISION 26.1.2025 – Ps. Brian Abaho God is calling us to be strong and courageous as we pursue the bold vision He has given to Watoto Church! Listen to the audio
JESUS IS BUILDING THE CHURCH 19.1.2025 – Ps. Gary Skinner Hear from our Founder, Pastor Gary Skinner as he inspires us to have faith, perseverance, and passion! Listen to the audio
BOLD, STRONG, COURAGEOUS 12.1.2025 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo A bold vision, strong conviction, and courageous actions are the keys to unlocking God’s promised future for your life, family, career, business, and community! Get ready for an awe-inspiring experience as we dive into our 2025 theme: BOLD STRONG COURAGEOUS! Listen to the audio
BOLD, STRONG, COURAGEOUS – Communion & Prayer 5.1.2025 – Ps. Brian Abaho Join us as we embark on an extraordinary journey in 2025! Our theme, BOLD STRONG COURAGEOUS, is a call to faith, vision, and conviction. Listen to the audio
SUPER CELL SUNDAY 29.12.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo Life is better together! So today, we gather in our Cell Families in our communities to worship, share a meal, and enjoy fellowship as we listen to a message from our Team Leader, Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo. Listen to the audio
A LIGHT HAS DAWNED FOR ALL PEOPLE 25.12.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo On this Christmas day, we celebrate Jesus, the Light of the world, born to save all men from sin, deliver all, die for all, and rescue all who believe in Him. This good news is for everyone – God’s light has dawned on us all! Listen to the audio
A LIGHT HAS DAWNED – GOD THE PROMISE KEEPER 22.12.2024 – Ps. Remmy Muwonge Our God is a promise keeper who will fulfil His plans and purpose for your life just like He did with the coming of Jesus, our Messiah. Listen to the audio
A LIGHT HAS DAWNED THAT LIFTS THE LOWLY 8.12.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho Jesus is the light that shines on the lowly – those who are humble, poor, marginalised, or hold a low status in society. Listen to the audio
A LIGHT HAS DAWNED 24.11.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho We’re thrilled to launch our Christmas Series, “A Light Has Dawned”. In the midst of festivities, stay encouraged by the timeless message of God’s love for mankind. He sent His son, Jesus, who came as the light of the world to break the power of sin and give us life! Listen to the audio
CROSSING THE FINISHING LINE VICTORIOUSLY 17.11.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho Jesus crossed the finishing line victoriously; and He encourages us to be strong and loyal to Him so that we too can experience His power that helps us to CROSS THE FINISHING LINE. Listen to the audio
MYMMO – KEEP OUR HEARTS ENGAGED 10.11.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho After giving such a generous offering like we did last weekend through the Miracle Mission Offering, we long for God to keep our hearts forever engaged with a passion for His mission. Listen to the audio
MYMMO – THE GRACE OF GIVING 27.10.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo The grace of God enables us to give sacrificially, overflow with joy, have concern for others, and to fulfill our commitments. Let’s be encouraged to respond with generosity whenever there’s an opportunity. Listen to the audio
MYMMO – GOD OUR SOURCE 20.10.2024 – Ps. Gary Skinner With God as our limitless source, we can confidently continue being generous because He provides for us and through us! Listen to the audio
MYMMO – THE HEART OF THE GENEROUS 13.10.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho Generous people are moved to give because of God’s goodness and a burning desire to meet the needs of others. Listen to the audio
MYMMO – AWESOME GOD, DO IT AGAIN 06.10.2024 – Ps. Eddie Mwesigye Through MYMMO, we want to see God repeat what He has done over the last twelve years in a measure that we have never seen before! Listen to the audio
FOR GOD & MY COUNTRY – I WILL PURSUE UNITY 29.9.2024 – Ps. Calvin Oule God will bless us if we are united as a nation. So, let’s pursue unity by working for the common good, celebrating our differences and returning to God. Listen to the audio
FOR GOD & MY COUNTRY – I WILL BE A GOOD STEWARD 22.9.2024 – Ps. James Lalobo A good steward protects, multiplies and adds value to whatever they have been entrusted with. Listen to the audio
FOR GOD & MY COUNTRY – I WILL UPHOLD JUSTICE 15.9.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho Choose to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Listen to the audio
FOR GOD & MY COUNTRY 8.9.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo Today, we are beginning a journey focused on our nation. It is a celebration of how far God has brought us and a challenge to work together to build a better Uganda. Listen to the audio
GOD’S HEART FOR EVERY MAN – ENGAGE IN MEANINGFUL WORK 26.5.2024 – Ps.Brian Abaho Men must embrace their identity as warriors for their families and trust in God’s power for victory. Let’s stand with one another in prayer against the spiritual battles that we face in our families. Listen to the audio
GOD’S HEART FOR EVERY MAN – ENGAGE IN MEANINGFUL WORK 19.5.2024 – Ps.KennethKanzairwe A message for every man that every woman needs to hear. Listen to the audio
GOD’S HEART FOR EVERY MAN – BELONG TO A BAND OF BROTHERS. 12.5.2024 – Ps.Eddie Mwesigye A message for every man that every woman needs to hear. Listen to the audio
GOD’S HEART FOR EVERY MAN – RISE UP TO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY 28.4.2024 – Ps.Eddie Mwesigye God created man and gave him a specific call, a mandate or mission to accomplish here on Earth. Man was created for a purpose and given leadership responsibility so that he does not live aimlessly. Listen to the audio
GOD’S HEART FOR EVERY MAN – IDENTITY IN CHRIST 21.4.2024 – Ps. Calvin Oule Men, you are uniquely male created by God in His image. Listen to the audio
GOD’S HEART FOR EVERY MAN 14.4.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo A message for every man that every woman needs to hear. Listen to the audio
HE IS NOT HERE; HE IS RISEN 31.3.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo The resurrection of Jesus is the single event that cements our faith in Him. It proves that Jesus is the only true Saviour, our faith in Him is credible and that there is hope for life after Death. Listen to the audio
JESUS’ FINAL WORDS – WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? 24.3.2024 – Ps. James Lalobo God forsook Jesus so that through Him, we might be reconciled back to God. Listen to the audio
JESUS’ FINAL WORDS – TODAY, YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE 17.3.2024 – Ps. Eddie Mwesigye Listen to the audio
JESUS’ FINAL WORDS – FATHER, FORGIVE THEM 10.3.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo God is merciful; He forgives all people and all sins. Repent and receive His forgiveness today. Listen to the audio
JESUS’ FINAL WORDS – NOT MINE WILL, BUT YOURS BE DONE 3.3.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42. Listen to the audio
AWESOME GOD – HE NEVER CHANGES 25.2.2024 – Ps. Calvin Oule God is awesome because He never changes. Since He never changes, His word never changes and His plan to adopt us into His family and make co-heirs with Christ, never changes. Listen to the audio
AWESOME GOD – PERFECTLY GOOD 18.2.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo Our awesome God is perfectly good all the time and to all. That’s His nature. Listen to the audio
AWESOME GOD – EVER PRESENT 11.2.2024 – Ps. Brian Abaho Our Awesome God is fully present everywhere at all times. Revere and rely on him for guidance. Listen to the audio
AWESOME GOD – ALL KNOWING 4.2.2024 – Ps. James Lalobo God is all knowing, all wise and all seeing. Only He knows everything about everything. Listen to the audio
AWESOME GOD – ALL POWERFULL 28.1.2024 – Ps. Calvin Oule Our Awesome God is all powerful and his power is available to work in us and through us. Listen to the audio
VISION 21.1.2024 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo We have big plans for 2024 and we invite you to engage and be be involved as we build God’s Kingdom together. Listen to the audio
FIVE PIONEERING MINDSETS 31.12.2023 – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo Listen to the audio
UNFAILING GOD – HIS PLAN PREVAILS 10.12.2023 – Ps. Eddie Mwesigye Our God is unfailing because His plan always prevails. When God declares something, His Word sets His plan into motion and has the power to bring it to completion. Listen to the audio
UNFAILING GOD – HIS WORD NEVER FAILS 3.12.2023 – Ps. Brian Abaho Whatever situation you may be going through, we want to remind you that God’s word never fails. Trust His Word, timing and presence.Listen to the audio