Watoto Church

History Makers' Cell Guide:21 August 2024

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(Recite the vision together)
We are an English speaking cell-based community church celebrating Christ, growing and multiplying as each one reaches one, touching those around us with the love of Jesus, bringing healing to the cities and to the nations.

Journey Through the Book of Acts: Empowered with Wisdom

Take some time to worship God in song.

“We cannot deny who God has called us to be; we are a church that cares for the community.” – Ps. Julius Rwotlonyo 

What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve ever received, and how has it impacted your life?

Acts 6:3-7, Proverbs 4:5-7, Acts 15:5-11, 1 Corinthians 2:9-13
(Ask the cell members to share what stood out)
1. What characteristics of wisdom and discernment are highlighted in the scriptures? How did they contribute to the growth and harmony within the early church?

2. Share a personal experience where you have applied the principles of wisdom in your daily interactions.

3. In what ways do you think wisdom can be practically applied in modern-day community initiatives or organizations to promote harmony and effective teamwork?

– Pray into OTR24
– Pray for wisdom and understanding in all things, that we may be led by the Holy Spirit in making decisions, serving others with humility, and spreading the truth with grace and discernment. 
-Pray for your personal needs.

History Makers Challenge:
1.Look into how to be part of History Makers OTR which is in a few days. 
2.Look out for the History Makers Prayer moment for #OTR24 every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6:00am to 6:30 am via Google Meet: (https://bit.ly/HM0TR24-PRAYS)
3.Take time as an individual or cell to participate in the Homes Refresh program.

As Watoto Church, each time we meet, we give a crane (500 shillings coin / 50 South Sudan pounds) to support our build God’s house campaign. You can drop the crane collection in the gift box in your campus or use mobile money;

• MTN MoMo pay, dial *165*3#, momo code 148775
• Airtel money dial *185*9# Code 700,000
For more giving details go to www.watotochurch.com/give

Please follow our Social media pages – @watotohistorymakers on IG and TikTok and @WatotoHM on Twitter

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