Watoto Church


If you could invite any three historical figures to a dinner party, who would they be and what would you serve?

Praise: “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens”. Psalms 8:1 NIV


The sermon emphasizes God’s desire for men to embrace sexual purity in a world that devalues and distorts sex. It challenges mindsets that lead to sexual sin and offers practical steps to honor one’s body and treat others with purity. The message extends grace to those hurt by sexual experiences and envisions a future with stable families and transformed lives through God’s mercy.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, Genesis 2:18, Romans 12:1-2(MSG), 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Timothy 5:2,2:9-10, Matthew 5:28.

1. How does the Bible’s view on sex differ from the world’s view, and why is it important to realize this?  
2. How can men honor God with their bodies, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:19- 20, and what are some practical steps they can take to live in sexual purity?
3. The sermon called for women to dress modestly, adorn themselves with good deeds, and be mindful of the vulnerability of men to visual stimuli. How can you, as a woman or as a supporter of the women in your life, encourage and embrace these biblical guidelines in your daily actions and choices?

a. Begin with a time for everyone to share their personal prayer requests.
b. Ask God to help us recognize and resist the deceptions of a hyper-sexualized culture and to stay grounded in His truth.
c. Pray for the strength and resolve to make choices that honor God with our bodies and relationships.
d. Seek divine guidance in cultivating godly love that values and respects others as we walk in sexual purity

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1. LAUNCHPAD is back. This is our career development and mentorship program designed to prepare you as you take your first steps into the marketplace. The 2024 cohort starts this month, May 2024. To apply, write to email: school.leadership@watotochurch.com, Whatsapp or call : 256760964555, 256705424049. You can also visit the Watoto Church Marketplace offices at our Downtown campus from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm during the week to get more information.

2. Watoto Christian International School has introduced a new class for children aged 3. We also have vacancies from Preschool to Grade 4 for students ready to join in Term 2 that starts 27 May 2024.
Applications are welcome until 1 June 2024. Email: ACE@watotochurch.com, Call: 0393249565 or WhatsApp: 0776820341.

3. For any counselling needs, get in touch with us through our counselling phone lines on +256-776-260-007 or +256-776-260-071. If you have a testimony, write to connect@watotochurch.com. And if you would like someone to stand in prayer with you, send your requests to http://bit.ly/WCPrayerRequest. Do share your testimony of what God has done with your campus Pastor or write to us connect@watotochurch.com.

Awesome God, Do It Again
Celebrating Christ | Caring For Community

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