Watoto Church


My testimony: 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting – Day 39
Date: Thursday, 15th February 2024
Theme: “Awesome God, our Reconciler”

Praise be to God, our gracious and merciful Father, for His wondrous works and for the transformative power of prayer and fasting in our lives.

Today, I want to bear witness to the remarkable reconciliation that took place on this 39th day of our prayer and fasting journey.

For over four long years, bitterness and strife had plagued my relationship with my dear Auntie, who resides in the United States.

The specifics of our disagreement are not as important as the impact it had on the harmony of our family. Nevertheless, it was a deeply rooted issue that had caused a rift between us, leading to strained communication and the loss of the love and close bond we once shared.

In entering this period of prayer and fasting, one of the intentions I held close to my heart was the desire for reconciliation and healing. I yearned for the restoration of the love and unity from above. God did! I thank God.

I bless the Lord for enabling me to pray and seek His face in these 40 days of prayer and fasting. God has cemented my relationship with Him. He continues to unveil his call over me. He is establishing me for marriage.

Goodness of God

This year I have started to build my house.

My prayer request was for a contract to be financed after a long time of waiting, and it finally did in early February, it transformed our lives as a family and personally.

On January 15th, (the eighth day of fasting), the theme was #Awesome God ~ Forever Faithful. Once again, I witnessed the unwavering faithfulness of God. At around 9 PM that evening, I received an email informing me that my application titled “Multimodal Data Integration for Accurate Psychosis Diagnosis” had been approved for funding. This incredible news came at a time when I had been fervently praying for God’s intervention, desperately seeking His power in what felt like a desolate and barren land.

My journey in Denmark since 2022 had been fraught with challenges, including a toxic marriage that resulted in a devastating crisis and the loss of a promising career opportunity that initially brought me to Denmark. My Ph.D. was abruptly cancelled, and my contract was set to expire on January 31st, 2024. Despite facing immense hardship and uncertainty, I persevered through the turbulence and pain.

God’s provision through this dollar🤗😊funding not only ensures the well-being of my daughter and me, allowing us to remain in Denmark, but it has also opened up new career prospects. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s mercy and grace. His faithfulness is truly astounding, and I am humbled by His continuous blessings. Thank you, faithful God, for rewriting my story and providing a pathway forward🙌

God has been faithful. He has really provided for my family. Though I lost my job last year. Am believing God for a job.

I thank God our daughter is enrolled back in school after a long financial struggle, I thank God for provision and protection; thieves wanted to break into our house but they didn’t succeed, God saved us from snakes.

This is the first time i am trying a full day fast because of ulcers I have always been scared of fasting, the fact that we are on day 37 is a testimony itself. 

  1. On 13th Jan 2024 God saved me and my siblings from an accident while we were coming back to Kampala from Masaka. We were in between a trailer and a truck on sand, the truck of sand failed to brake and dashed into us from behind smashing the entire behind glass and denting the boot. I thank God that no one of us was injured, anything could have happened but the Lord preserved our lives.
  2. I have seen God’s provision in ways I cannot explain especially at my workplace. The fact that i work with the accounts department I know when we aren’t doing well, but every week we have worked on the budget I have seen God show up and practically take care of everything on the budget every single week. Personally too God has provided beyond what I can imagine. Praise Be His Name.


I started fasting full of worry and fear, constantly scared, anxious, afraid and alone, now I feel different I am not worried all the time, or afraid I still feel it occasionally but it’s not as it was before.

I began the fast  in a lot of confusion my entire life was upside down that I almost thought of taking my life. Life seemed meaningless I had lost all hope.  But when I came to church and they announced the 40day fast the Holy Spirit directed me to join in. I have been a Christian for over 20yrs but had never fasted for even a full week. But I  give God all the glory coz he has given me the grace and strength to fast all the 40days. Am now so at peace and my soul is restored from all the confusion I was in. Praise Jesus and thank you Watoto.

Awesome God granted me  my US VISA after 3yrs of trying. 

For all my entire year in our Family every time we were to report at School at every beginning of each term, my Dad could get sick due to stress because all of us go to had to go to very good schools. Because he always never wanted us to be chased for schools fees. But this year since we started our prayer and fasting of these Forty days that has been my Prayer that God may strengthen Dad and as well provide for him. This year he needed 13million in total for all my 5 siblings who are young to start school. But I was so glad that I called home and I have been told that he is doing well so Far I still believe that God is going to provide and no sickness will ever attack him forever.

And all my siblings will graduate like how all of us have done.

I give glory to the Lord.

We have been waiting on the lord for financial miracle. We have seen God carry us through this tough season but this, day the lord opened just on time one of the many doors we have been seeking him for. His  such an awesome God.

We praise him now and always.

Praise the Lord.
I thank the LORD for His faithfulness. The LORD has done mighty things; He restored my parents marriage, my mum was bent on leaving home it was the most scariest news for me but the LORD heard my prayers through this fasting and prayer season.

My mum is still at home beautifully.

I thank the LORD for His mercy through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name  and I believe for complete restoration of my parents marriage.

In this fasting period I have seen God transform my life, for a long time I have been looking for something to do since I finished my studies in may 2022, but through my cell I was able to get a job and really thank God for that

Praise God! I thank God for the gift of life, for good health especially during this fasting season, I thank Him for His protection and provision. I lost my job towards the end of last year but I have seen God provide each and every single day. He has provided school fees for my nieces and nephews. He is also going to give me work…..I see it coming. I have learnt to walk by Faith and not by sight and it is quite an interesting journey. God is indeed Awesome and I can’t wait to see what else He has in store for me during this season. Praise God!


  1.  It was in the first week when God heard and answered my prayers. My parents were having a bank loan that had taken quiet some time and they were even going to advertise his retirement home so that he looses everything but God came through. 39m that was remaining was all cleared at ago.
  2. Two days ago I had a very painful ear and was even going to the hospital but when I was listening in and praying in the prayer chain God touched me and healed me. Glory to God.

Never fasted for more than 7 days because of ulcers. God enabled me to fast so far 32 days and not a single day did I have ulcer pain. Our marriage has also been revived and given a fresh spark.

Me and my wife have grown even closer to God and we both encountered the Holy spirit. I’ve experienced Joy during this time. By God’s grace I’ve been able to secure a job to allow me meet my family’s needs. The job pays twice what I expected to get for the position.

God has come through for me and He showed off. I have drawn closer to God, and I passed the bar course on first attempt, out of 2087 students only 701 passed and I’m among the 701. Glory to God.

I want to thank God for helping us as a family to set up a business for our mum. At the beginning of this journey, it wasn’t easy because we didn’t have money but God helped us as a family to set up a business. It might not be as big but am so happy that my mum is doing something now. I want to thank God for working through me to help my mother get what to do. Amen.

Grateful to God for healing my husband, also we paid 90% of the children’s school dues, and most of all I feel a wave of peace that never has been, initially I got irritable at whatever seemed not to be on my favour but not any more since this week, I laugh at it, and many other testimonies.

I thank God after end of my contract in December 2023, I got a new  job serving the less privileged with a Christian organization in Palabeck refugee settlement. I feel at home working with fellow believers.

My iPhone XS was stolen during church choir practice on Saturday and I was so sad. My parents were gentle considering that I had that phone for only 1 month and it was stolen… buy still I considered my self a careless fool cuz it was my 4th stolen phone since the beginning of 2023. I thank God for the friends who reassured me in that time, my gentle understanding born again parents (for born again parents are amazinnnggg…I wasn’t shouted at,  at all.  was inspired to also be understanding with others) and also the fact that I prayed so hard for a new phone cuz I waited so long to get an iPhone xs and 2 days later I got a Samsung 35.

It’s been  two years of sadness and grief and being lost. I lost my sister end 2021 and the shock made me have a minor stroke but God healed and saved me from the enemies claws that period that was December 2021.

So the loss left a lot of hurt and pain and I even stopped communicating with my aunt over how everything was handled.

I praise the Lord that in these 40 days of prayer I was able to reach out to my aunt who I hadn’t talked to in two years. I have also been praying that my siblings and I will genuinely love and care for each other (polygamous family) and I testify that the Lord is working already, am seeing signs.

Also I was believing for some money and I got it last week, God is surely working things out and am still believing Him for a job. Awesome God is doing it again and again and again.

I thank God that in the midst of a very difficult and tight January, God has provided for me to pay my children’s tuition fees for this first term including my own for the school of community leadership. I know He is a faithful God, promise keeper and He shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. And still believing in Him to even provide for those not yet back to school and their requirements. And He has also let my wife get another job that she’s is very comfortable with than the one before. All glory and honour is returned to Him. 🙏Amen

God has given me victory over a paper I attempted more than 10 times. I have finally passed it on my 11th attempt what a God!

I thank God for life progress 🙏.. at least each day am improving my relationship with God..
I need it more than before in a unique way. 2024 is a year of break 🆓, freedom is coming forth in my life like never before.

My sister who has dyslexia just received her results and she has 15 aggregates in PLE. At the start of the year, I didn’t even know if she was to be registered to sit for her PLE. It’s been a tough year and at some point I didn’t care what she got as long as she got registered. Truthfully at some point I made peace that if she even got a 3rd grade. I would still be grateful. However she’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. Not once was she bothered about her exams and not results. She was positive the entire time and now look. Ours, is a wonder working God🥰

I am healthy and alive 

I lost my job shortly after finishing my part time contract last year in April. I sat home and two months later I fell really sick and needed immediate surgery. I testify that neither my family or myself spent a coin and yet I get the most convenient but most expensive procedure. When I look back I really know it was God that had planned it all.

Secondly, I am graduating from my masters degree later this month and opportunities are already opening up. I am forever grateful for all the grace God gives to me because… I really don’t deserve these blessings.

I have seen and tasted the goodness of the Lord during these 40 days prayer and fasting. Just yesterday I was weak and sick. Voices began telling me that God will understand if you don’t fast. Then I remembered the scriptures where the Lord is our strength in the moment of weakness. I asked the Lord to carry me through the day and by his grace he did it. What an awesome God we serve. He did it again. That’s my testimony. Glory goes to the Lord Jesus 

Thanking God for what he is already doing in my life during the 40days of prayer and fasting
I have been trusting God for a job and I can already see several signs and I recently got called for a job opening that I had applied sometime back last year in October and am yet to begin working

All praise and honour go back to him and am trusting him for greater things in my life .

I praise God for removing strife and bringing reconciliation to our family last month.


  1. For me to be able to fast fully for 40 days yet all along even one day would be very hard due to ulcers.
  2. My sister asked me to follow up on her land title last year in March, which she had been following since 2014. I got the mother title so we can get her portion on Monday (Day 36), Wow! Glory to our God.
  3. Our family has been in serious disunity since the passing on of our Dad. Starting about the 30th day, some of my siblings have acknowledged that we need to return and seek God
  4. I thank God I was in this state of seeking God when the enemy attacked me (when an old woman exposed her nakedness after I delivered a message to her from the authority) because I was surrounded by a shield (God’s word), Jesus blood and a hedge of fire.
  5. My water and electricity bills have been paid miraculously. My water and electricity have not run out when it should yet I was not able to make the payments. This is God! I give Him all the glory.

I glorify God for his faithfulness,I thank God for my daughter she has been sick on and off for almost 1 and half years and I trusted in the Lord. People thought she will not make it but by the grace of God she passed her form four and her life is divine, God enabled me to pay the medical bills, I will always look unto God whom the wind and the storm obeys, thanks for the 40days of prayer, I was scared to start a prayer altar, but through the series I got strength to start and now we do encourage each other through the word of God, thanks to Watoto pastors and more to the Almighty God who grants you wisdom🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

I thank the Lord that He is indeed an awesome God, am in University finishing my first year, my Grandmum asked me if it would be possible for me to finish the forty days of praying and fasting, I thought to myself thinking of all the attracting canteens and food hubs that would make me break my fast, but I purposed to do fast till the end and indeed I have done so, I told her I would fast.and lastly am thankful to God that through the praying and fasting period my relationship with God is becoming deeper and deeper. Thank you.

God has been faithful to me through 40days of praying and fasting , I am a third year student at Uganda Christian University, Mukono. Through this period of prayer and fasting, God has opened an opportunity for me. I am now working with Centenary Bank Mukono which I cannot take for granted, I have seen his grace every step I take ohhhh I have learnt to be content and trust Him whole heartedly because he does impossible things 😭😭 

I want to thank God for healing. Last year I got really ill around June. I was admitted in Kampala hospital for 2 weeks. I developed a blood clot in my lungs and later it was moving into my brain. The doctors couldn’t operate because I was already on anticoagulants therefore fear of bleeding out. I was referred to Agkan hospital in Nairobi but the whole surgery required $40k. We didn’t  have the money at time. But God made away for some reason my husband was able to get the money. Now I was in critical condition no airline was available to take me because of the fear of dying or emergency landing while on the flight so we had to book an air ambulance which meant additional costs. So God provided all the finances.

I was airlifted to Nairobi. When we reached during that time my BP was overly high I was unconscious so the doctors said the surgery was too risky but they would go ahead and do it but gave my husband little hope.

God was with me all this time I had the surgery and it was successful. Doctors anticipated I would get amnesia or memory loss but after a few days they woke me up and my memory was still intact.

Now prior the days before getting ill I used to bleed heavily during my periods so on top of the clot I had heavy bleeding so when I was given blood thinners I would bleed even more leading to loss of blood making me anaemic. So the doctors suggested they give medication to stop going into my periods as we look for a permanent solution. I was given a couple of medications they didn’t work but eventually it worked.

I was given a few months to recover then come back to have my second surgery which was to remove the uterus since I had to continue on anticoagulants.

That meant more money and the surgery was delicate since I was on blood thinners. So God still provided money for the second surgery. I had the surgery it was also successful I didn’t need even a blood transfusion.

My testimony is that I have seen God work where all humans had given up hope. God worked through the doctors, through provision of all medical expenses. Right now I’m a living testimony. We serve a miracle worker his alive and he’s seated at the right had of the God interceding for us. 

Praise God.
In November 2023 I quit my job, not having or knowing what to do next. In January 2024, my fiance broke up with me, things became hard, suffered emotionally, l felt like committing suicide, l tried to apply to many jobs, followed with cold calls, emails and application but to no success.

When the church announced the 40days, was excited as l participated. As January was ending, one of the cell members called me, as we were talking, l told him as am looking for a job, we met the next Sunday and the next Monday l started working, without applying for it, am emotionally stable, we talked with my fiancee to work it out again, God is restoring me again, and again.

I give God all the glory.

I have been believing God for an increase at work and on Wednesday last week when my faith was deteriorating, my boss called and I received my miracle. I want to appreciate the prayer chain so much because I have been on from the very beginning and I will say the person that suggested it is a genius, hope they can get us at least one every month. I know that my other prayer requests are coming to pass in God’s perfect timing.